Regarding the youth education and labour market, we face a triple challenge:
- An inadequate provision of academic and career guidance that serves to demotivate young people.
- An insufficient and barely effective system of state grants.
- Holding a job position does not guarantee that someone’s personal situation will change.
The truth is that young people have seen their economic and social situation worsen over the last ten years. Within this context, our challenge is to develop a benchmark proposal for improving the employability of the most vulnerable young people by generating high-impact, transformative opportunities that allow them to follow vocational education paths and secure a quality labour insertion.
“Talent is distributed equitably around the world; opportunities are not”
How wedo it
At Nous Cims we are committed to connecting talent with opportunities. We focus our efforts on young people in situations of social or economic vulnerability, whom we support through education, vocational activation and social entrepreneurship.
Therefore, in the Employability Area, we work on projects with a mission to transform these young people’s lives: we promote their potential, talent and skills so that they can go as far as they decide to.
However, we are not alone in this mission. We work in a network with over 100 social entities, elementary schools, high schools and other key players of the national social sector for the purpose of driving a large collaborative platform that shares the same objective: supporting young people in designing a better future for themselves. In short, we work together to support them in taking on their own life challenge through vocational grants, support and new tools for personal growth.
Once they’ve succeeded in taking charge of their own future, we’d like them to make the commitment and continue collaborating alongside us to help others reach their own peak potential, thus becoming a driver of change, if they so wish to.
Our constant focus on innovating and on supporting continuous improvement for our projects has allowed us to combine all our methodology under the same concept: the Zing Programme. We strive to make it a solid and high-impact model that is simultaneously agile, flexible, highly innovative, scalable and replicable.

Employability comes from combining the words “employ” and “ability”. It could therefore be defined as the ability to access a job and/or keep it.
Employability can evolve over a person’s life and it can therefore be improved by means of an action plan. This is the starting point for building the action model of Nous Cims‘ Employability Area.

The Zing Programme originated with a bagful of excitement, in addition to our own team and methodology. Developed entirely by Nous Cims, Zing is the main project of the Foundation’s Employability Area. It utilizes a complete roadmap for managing to improve the employability of these young people, and it fosters intra-entrepreneurship in a social network made up of the programme’s alumni.
One out of every four young people in Spain does not finish mandatory secondary education and falls by the wayside without a diploma that allows them to work. We believe that a successful educational and occupational career begins by discovering what really motivates someone.
32% of young people are excluded from the system of state grants. Most of them come from disadvantaged families. We offer opportunities so that students with the necessary abilities can obtain access training, but without the financial aspect being a determining factor.
Support foryoung people
The path to reaching one's personal potential is a process full of challenges to be overcome and opportunities for making decisions. We foster programmes so that young people who feel lost or disoriented can rely on a support network of social entities, mentors and sherpas.
Socialproject incubator
We accelerate social entrepreneurship initiatives that provide a response to emerging needs. We pursue innovative ideas that have the capacity for social transformation in the labour insertion of young people who are in a vulnerable situation.
incubated social enterprises
educational success rate by young people with the Zing grant
social entities that we network with
students receiving grants up to 2018